Teeth Whitening

Let us brighten your smile at Channel Dental Care, Kingston

Our single purpose is to achieve your health and most naturally brilliant smile and of course, white teeth. 

There’s no laser, no heat, and no scraping. Our whitening system uses only two simple elements: gel and light. 

The blue light is used in combination with our patented whitening gel, which has been optimised for patient safety and maximum results. While other whitening gels contain as much as 35%-50% hydrogen peroxide, our proprietary gel contains only 15% peroxide and is buffered at a near-neutral PH value that is compatible with tooth enamel. The gel also contains other ingredients such as glycerin and highly purified water to prevent tooth dehydration and to further ensure safety. The gel is specifically engineered to respond to the blue wavelengths of our light system. When the light illuminates the gel, it activates and safely accelerates the whitening process, achieving amazing results in just one hour.

Our tooth whitening process is gentle. There’s no laser and no heat. It’s just gel and soothing light. All you do is sit back and relax.

Here is how we Treat you Teeth when Whitening:

  • Our whitening gel is carefully applied to your teeth
  • The gel is then activated by our gentle blue light for 20 minutes while you relax and watch TV or listen to music
  • This process is repeated twice more before you go home with a naturally brilliant new smile (and your personal “Before & After” photos).

It is recommended to have your teeth checked by a dentist before undergoing any whitening method. The dentist should examine you thoroughly: take a health and dental history (including allergies and sensitivities), observe hard and soft tissues, placement and conditions of restorations, and sometimes x-rays to determine the nature and depth of possible irregularities.